I don't normally disturb people while they are working, but I made an exception for Alina, who I met on the outskirts of.....
Selasa, 09 Juli 2013
Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013
Daniela's Spiral of Stars
I met Daniela a couple weeks back in Bay Ridge, stopping her after spotting a text tattoo on her forearm. However, she preferred.....
Kamis, 04 Juli 2013
Celebrating Independence With a Captain America Tattoo
I ran into Kristin recently on Third Avenue in Brooklyn and she shared this tattoo on her arm, which seemed appropriate to post.....
Rabu, 03 Juli 2013
Born on the Third of July (Dispatch from the Urban Tattoo Convention, Part 2)
When I went to the NYC Urban Tattoo Convention last weekend, I was expecting a lot, but I wasn't anticipating walking out with.....
Selasa, 02 Juli 2013
Dispatch from the 4th Annual NYC Urban Tattoo Convention (Part 1)
This past weekend, the 4th Annual Urban Tattoo Convention (UTC) was held for the first time in Brooklyn, in a cool refurbished factory.....
Jumat, 28 Juni 2013
This Weekend: The NYC Urban Tattoo Convention Hits Brooklyn!
This weekend, just down the street from Tattoosday's home in Brooklyn, the 4th Annual NYC Urban Tattoo Convention will be held in Industry.....
Rabu, 26 Juni 2013
Anna's Tattoo from an Indonesian Adventure
A couple weeks back, you may recall, I was loitering on North 14th Street in Williamsburg, waiting for The Gutter to open so.....
Selasa, 25 Juni 2013
Asia's Ink Personifies Anxiety
It's so easy to be spoiled by reporting on spectacular tattoos, that one often loses sight of the fact that even rudimentary designs.....
Senin, 24 Juni 2013
Hey Jude, Thanks for Sharing Your Tattoo!
Sometimes, we don't get the whole story here on Tattoosday, but we share anyway, despite our best efforts to get the goods on.....
Jumat, 21 Juni 2013
Announcing Sailor Jerry Event Tonight at Tammany Hall!
The good folks at Sailor Jerry are hosting another event tonight in New York and, yes, there's a shot you can score a.....
Rabu, 19 Juni 2013
Erica's Tattoos Help Her Through a Difficult Ordeal
I spotted Erica in my neighborhood earlier this month when I noticed a tattoo on her upper right arm. She was actually having.....
Selasa, 18 Juni 2013
Wear Your Dreams: My Life in Tattoos, by Ed Hardy - The Tattoosday Book Review
Ten years ago, only tattoo aficionados knew who Ed Hardy was.I still remember the moment I saw an Ed Hardy shirt for the.....