The publicity machine is definitely churning for this, I as Refinery29 points out. Hopefully you've already pre-ordered your copy; but if not, you better hurry. With this much buzz surrounding the new tome and only 10,000 copies printed, it's sure to sell out.
I'm eagerly waiting for my copy to arrive, but not just because of Freja's editorial. To be honest, I'm more excited about the Todd Selby piece. I adore his website and I can't wait to see what his own home looks like. But that's besides the point. In addition to the write up done by Refinery29, Fashionista did a more Freja-centric writeup.
I feel like nearly every fashion blog I read is buzzing about this, so my expectations are definitely high. Hopefully they're not disappointed. If no one else scans it before I get my copy, you can bet I'll definitely do the honors. But that little book has to make it's way across the Atlantic first...too bad the Concorde doesn't fly anymore. :)
The official launch is happening tonight so if we're lucky we might get more information and pics tomorrow.
In yesterday's post , I talked about meeting Corey and Jessica in front of Penn Station, and we featured two of Corey's tattoos. Tod...
Trying to not to talk about the scarcity of posts back in August, we're expanding a little here, and sharing work by Rev. Jorell Elie. I...
Modeling this after one of my favorite poetry blogs (Thank you, Ron Silliman ), here's my attempt to share some links.... Photo by Micha...
When I went to the NYC Urban Tattoo Convention last weekend, I was expecting a lot, but I wasn't anticipating walking out with a fresh ...
Out of all of the pictures that come out of fashion month, model beauty shots are some of my favorites. I love seeing models transform from ...
A couple weeks back, I was walking on Broadway near 39th Street, when I spotted a woman sporting an unusual neck tattoo. Intrigued, I introd...
Selena Gomez membuat sebuah tattoo bertuliskan Justin (baca: Justin Bieber ) di pergelangan tangannya. Tattoo tersebut terlihat dan menarik ...
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