Senin, 21 Desember 2009

From the Side

Sometimes I think we focus so much on the view from the front that we miss the beauty of seeing something from the side. These profile shots of Freja are a perfect example of this.

Maybe I'm just weird, but one of my favorite things about Freja is her profile. (Now that I've admitted this, I can just picture you telling yourself to slowly tip-toe back from the computer screen and away from the crazy person. It's ok....the fact that I even started this blog should have already been enough of a tip off to my strangeness.) The sloping lines are graceful and distinctive; simultaneously strong and cute.

In something as simple as this view from the side, I see a microcosm of the characteristics that make Freja captivating as a model. You could say that her brow and sharp nose are masculine and her defined lips are feminine. Even if you don't agree with my assessment, my point is that it's these two polar gender concepts working in tandem that give her an edge in the modeling world. She can toe the middle line or go in either direction on the spectrum.

Sadly, most people only seem to focus on the masculine side when it comes to Freja. Just look at her recent Twin editorial or the SS10 Chanel show. But we must remember that the attractions of androgyny cannot be appreciated without a background impression of femininity, for the two are mutually dependent. The complexities and beauty of one do not exist without the counter balance of the other, and I think we'd all be the better for it if people kept that in mind this upcoming year. Let Freja show her range!

Ugh, sorry for the disjointed ramblings tonight. I'm currently in a location devoid of any real mental stimulation so I've turned to this blog as my outlet. Point of this post: Freja has a pretty profile that I like a lot. I hope that people will stop pigeonholing her as the masculine, androgynous model.

Anyway, merry Christmas, Channukah, Kwanzaa, Solstice, whatever you celebrate at this time of year! I hope it's a good one!

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