Freja and Meisel. Two names I'd never thought I'd see together unless followed by a phrase like "they will never work together." Well, look out your window because pigs are flying outside of it right now. Freja is in Meisel's latest editorial for the December 2009 issue of Vogue Italia. We only have a preview pic so far:
I guess I spoke to soon in my 2009 Editorial recap, because it seems like Vogue Italia decided to end the year with a shock to the system. If I held anything to be true, it was that we'd never see Freja and Meisel working together. No one really knows what happened between them at the start of Freja's career, but everyone knew that Meisel wouldn't shoot her.
Technically though, he isn't shooting her for this editorial. The models were allowed to shoot themselves and do whatever they wanted to do in conjunction with the "twitter" theme. Nevertheless, this is still very much a Meisel ed and I'm still as shocked as ever that Freja is involved in it.
I'll post more once we see the whole thing as I'm sure it will provide endless fodder for a wide variety of ruminations. My mind is already aflutter with thoughts about originality, artistic intent, and the creative process seeing as the models were the ones who actually took the pictures and not Meisel. I also can't wait to see how Freja portrays herself and whether this will be a true glimpse into her personal life and how she sees herself in relation to modeling, or if she will hide behind a facade of glamor and fashion.
Image Credits: nextmodelsblog.blogspot
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