Now some links for your weekend consumption:
Friend Brian Grosz appeared on Fox 411 on Tuesday (February 12) here. As a contributor writer for Needles and Sins, Brian chimed in on the subject at hand, "Are Reality TV and Pro Sports Helping Tattoos Go Mainstream?"
Sure enough, Colin Kaepernick makes another appearance.....
[Note: I meant to post that two weekends ago when I was in Los Angeles, but it never went live. Better late than never....].
People who follow UFC should know who Ronda Rousey is. Last weekend she made history by defending her title as the first UFC Women's Bantamweight champion (as reported here, among many places). Why do I even care? We here at Tattoosday are fans, ever since meeting Ronda in Penn Station and interviewing her about her Olympic-inspired ink (here) back in 2009. Congrats Ronda!
One of my friends from college alerted me to this interview of Baba Austin, at Vintage Tattoo Art Parlor. The interviewer is senior at my alma mater, Occidental College, which is in close proximity to the Highland Park neighborhood where the shop is located.
Trying to not to talk about the scarcity of posts back in August, we're expanding a little here, and sharing work by Rev. Jorell Elie. I...
Last month I met Maria on the West 4th Street subway platform. She had this interesting tattoo on the upper right side of her back, and I wa...
We all have our traditions. Usually around this time of year most Americans are fresh off a weekend of grilling out and watching fireworks i...
I met Shana on the subway back in June. She shared this tattoo: Shana explained that this is a navel orange from a botanical etching dating ...
Modeling this after one of my favorite poetry blogs (Thank you, Ron Silliman ), here's my attempt to share some links.... Photo by Micha...
When I went to the NYC Urban Tattoo Convention last weekend, I was expecting a lot, but I wasn't anticipating walking out with a fresh ...
Now some links for your weekend consumption: Friend Brian Grosz appeared on Fox 411 on Tuesday (February 12) here . As a contributor writ...
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu dari Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam beliau bersabda: “Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala melaknati wanita ya...
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