Minggu, 12 April 2009

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Blast from the Past

I came across an old editorial this weekend and I just had to post it:

Is It Better to be Alone?
Vogue Italia November 2005
Ph: Bruce Weber
(click for HQs)

This came pretty early in Freja's career, and it is so different from anything we've seen her do lately. It's amusing to think back to before she gained her reputation as a "rebel." Prior to the short hair, tattoos, and laid-back nonchalance, Freja was a wide-eyed, excited newbie just like all the other girls starting out. So naturally she would be placed in an editorial that looks like this.

The theme seems pretty conventional, but if you take the time to look there is definitely an ominous feeling that seeps throughout all the shots. The constantly changing model configurations gives a sense of unease and instability. Who is supposed to be with whom? Why is Freja the only female? Is she in danger? Or is she in control? Even at this early stage of her career, Freja brings this extra edge and mystery to a simple story concept. And isn't that the mark of a great model? The ability to be a blank slate and unique personality at the same time?

Anyway, I should really make a practice of looking at old editorials more often because I noticed some things I missed the first time around. In the second picture Freja's eyes are so light! It could just be the way the light is hitting them, but I've never seen them that way before and they're gorgeous. And in the seventh picture Freja reminds me so much of Kate Moss, especially in the two middle frames. I was really taken aback by how much she looks like Kate there and I've never seen any similarity between the two of them before.

I would love for Freja to be cast in another editorial like this right now. We rarely get to see her exuding this type of overt femininity because she's usually limited to being edgy, hard, or androgynous. Luckily we have old editorials to remind us that she's extremely versatile in that she can pull off both extremes of the gender role spectrum. And that is yet another mark of a great model.

Image Credits: bwgreyscale.com
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