Credit goes to candlebougie at tFS for the nice find! I believe the image is pretty recent. It was uploaded to the MUSE magazine facebook page today, May 4th. It's definitely from this past season judging by the hair. Now that I think about it, it's probably a by product of show castings from this past season, so it's not necessarily a recent picture. It could be from Frebruary for all we know. I'm so obsessed with knowing how recent this polaroid is because I want to know if Freja is growing her hair out, or if she's going to cut it again. Yes, who knew I'd ever be this vigilant about hair length.
Anyway, the polaroid comes from John Pfeiffer Casting and I was able to dig up an old interview from 2005 with John where he mentions Freja.
Anyway, the polaroid comes from John Pfeiffer Casting and I was able to dig up an old interview from 2005 with John where he mentions Freja.
MDC: Speaking of new girls, are there any that stand out this season?Freja seems to have that special something that puts casting directors under her spell. In case you didn't know, she is also one of casting agent James Scully's all-time favorite models.
JP: For me, Freja (with IMG); I’m living for Freja, she’s such a nice girl, too.
The queen of cool. Probably one of the most-requested models of all my clients. She is the perfect old-school clothes-hanger with a little eighties androgyny thrown in.With acclaim like this, I hope it means Freja will be around for another few years. I can't bear to see her fade away yet, as models are prone to do in the very fickle fashion industry.
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