I know this isn't Freja related, but I just wanted to say Rest In Peace Daul Kim. My heart goes out to your family, your friends, your fans and the countless lives that you have inevitably touched through your existence and your work. I hope you are in a better place now, where the problems that plagued you in this world no longer exist. Fashion has lost one of it's unique and shining stars, and you will be sorely missed.
And in other sad news, Jeanne-Claude of Cristo and Jeanne-Claude fame has also passed away. May she also Rest In Peace. I was lucky enough to experience The Gates firsthand back in 2005, and I will never forget how beautiful and inspirational they were. It happened to be snowing that day, and I have ever seen anything more breathtaking than those orange gates set against the white, fluttering snow in Central Park. Hopefully some of you got to experience the wonderful work she did too. The art world seems less vibrant and colorful now that you're gone Jeanne-Claude.
The creative worlds of fashion and art have been dealt two tremendous blows with the loss of these women. We should all take the time to reflect on their work, and what they meant to their respective fields. And we should also take the time to appreciate what we have. Go call up a friend and tell them how much they mean to you. Go hug your family members and tell them how much you love them. If we can learn anything from death, it's that we must appreciate the people that make our lives worth living before it's too late.
Image Credits: style.com, nytimes
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